Talk: Golang for Pentesters / RedTeamers
Pentesters and redteamers alike are nowadays faced with multiple challenges where conventional tools fail or just doesn’t work and you need to whip up a tool of your own may be just for this one task or may be as a new tool entirely. With that in mind This talk will explore using Golang as a language of choice in such scenarios. Golang is a recent entry in the world of modern languages. This language has bought the capabilities of compiled languages as well as interpreted languages in a single place and as cherry on top it has brilliant cross platform capabilities. This talk will explore how Golang can be used by a professionals to automate routine task’s and how a single codebase can be leveraged to craft binaries for multiple platform.
In the current world preferred choices are python / bash however we would like to leverage Go for its inherent capabilities such as low level I/O handling or handling high volume of incoming data (web requests / large file content) and in-build concurrency capabilities which allows golang to perform magnitudes faster then python or bash or any other typed or interpreted language.
The talk will guide from starting to write a basic hello world program in Golang to leveraging the brilliant modules available in the language to perform routine tasks like,
- port scanning,
- network query,
- web requests,
- user input handling,
- network monitoring
- Log parsing
This talk will provide the necessary boilerplates to get started with writing your own next gen tool in golang and take the next step in evolving information security.